

Baby Cora - Idaho Falls, ID

Okay, I know its taken forever to get this sneak peak up, but at last... it is HERE! 

Little Cora Paige is the most beautiful little girl.  She is so so TINY and snuggly, it may or may not have made me baby-hungry (which doesn't happen all that often).  She is just the most precious little thing and you can tell that her parents adore her. 

{Can you blame them?}

So, kind of an interesting story.  When I started work back in September, I actually worked right next to little Cora on an almost daily basis... only she was in her mommy's belly!  It was so funny, because as I pulled up to the house and saw Brenna "babybump-less" - I was in shock.  I knew she was tiny (being that she was one of the cutest pregnant girls I've ever seen), but I realized I had never known her without her bump.  

Anyway, I had a good laugh.

Now, without further adieu.

Can you tell she's got Daddy wrapped around her finger?

Doesn't she look AH-MAZING?  Talk about Hot Momma!

Perfect feet.

And for my favorites of the bunch...

She got rather cozy snoozin' in Daddy's pocket.

Thanks again guys for letting me play with your absolutely ADORABLE little girl!  
She is such an angel!


  1. SO cute! I can't believe she fits in those pockets!! Can you find pants like that for Greg so I can just snooze in his pocket? Oh, and make me cuter like her!

  2. Oh my goodness! Makes me a little baby hungry too! ;) These are adorable Kan! Good job! :)

  3. Kandice!!!!!!! You do such a great Job! Would you wanna take some newborn pics for me????? :) These are so precious!
